GUEST SPEAKER Much has happened since we last heard from Mike Derrios, the State Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Senior Procurement Executive. Whether it is the impact of the war in Ukraine or newly enacted or proposed regulations or changes within his own department. Please join us Thursday February 16 at Noon here at PSC or via Zoom. SPONSORED BY ABOUT CIDC The PSC Council of International Development Companies (CIDC) creates a dynamic, sustainable advocacy platform for U.S. development companies. The CIDC engages in thought leadership and high-level dialogue with various U.S. federal agencies and stakeholders involved in implementing U.S. foreign assistance programs through monthly committee meetings, an annual conference and other special events. In addition to advocating, educating and facilitating engagement on pressing international development issues, CIDC also informs and advocates on contracting, regulatory, legislative, business process and business development issues. PSC POLICY LEAD Paul Foldi Vice President, International Development Affairs Paul Foldi is PSC’s Vice President for International Development Affairs, where he serves as lead for the Council of International Development Companies (CIDC), focused on the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Department of State. How to Register 1. Sign In (Don’t have an account? Create an account) 2. Click "Register Myself" Button 3. Enter your Zip Code at the bottom of the registration page as requested and click "Save Response" (this step is required to complete registration) 4. Proceed to Checkout 5. Submit Order Please contact us if you have any questions or registration problems.