MEETING DESCRIPTION Available exclusively for members, PSC’s Member Briefing is an in-depth presentation by PSC executive staff on agency and market-specific drivers relevant to your business. If you are not a PSC member and would like to discuss membership, please email This update will focus on potential implications for contractors of: (1) Recent federal branch activities that provide additional roles and responsibilities to GSA vis-à-vis domestic procurement and IT; (2) GSA’s review of GSA Schedule vendors and 31 Special Item Numbers (SINs) – including 11 in the professional services category; (3) Other topics related to contract reviews.
How to Register 1. Sign In (Don’t have an account? Create an account) 2. Click "Register Myself" Button 3. Proceed to Checkout 4. Submit Order DOWNLOAD THE PSC MOBILE APP PSC event registration has never been easier! Simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and log in using your PSC website credentials. For more information about downloading and using the app’s many features, click here. Please contact if you have any questions or registration problems.