2024 PSC Policy Lines of Effort
PSC has identified five areas of focus to be given prioritized attention this year.


Policy Lines of Effort

Costs of Doing Business with the Federal Government
PSC is working tirelessly to mitigate the negative effects of inflation on the government services contractor. We also seek to help secure federal supply chains, reduce acquisition lead times, support best value contracting as well as fair and appropriate cost accounting and administration of federal contracts, and encourage greater transparency and industry-government communication in acquisition approaches. 
Key topics include: Budget uncertainties / Cost realism / Inflation / Compliance / Tax policies (e.g., R&D tax amortization) / Procurement administrative lead time (PALT) 

Lower Barriers to Entry/Promotion of Competition

PSC seeks to promote innovation and competition in the federal contracting marketplace for all services contractors of all sizes, including but not limited to working with U.S. Government officials on small business utilization to support growth where desired, recognition of the value that mid-sized companies bring to federal contracts, and appropriate use of other transaction agreements, cooperative agreements, and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers. 
Key topics include: Health of industrial base | Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable (LPTA) contracts / Government-wide contracting/category management / Administration's small business emphasis / Access to mid-sized companies / Teaming arrangements and joint ventures


PSC seeks to support human capital and labor policies that allow the federal government and its contracting partners to recruit, train, promote, and retain a world-class skilled workforce. Focus areas include but are not limited to: workforce implications of higher-than-expected inflation; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility throughout the combined federal workforce; improved security clearance processes; reasonable return-to-work-facility and remote working policies; and efforts to address acquisition knowledge gaps resulting from workforce transitions. 
Key topics include: Ability to recruit from an available pool of qualified talent | USG labor categories and rates | Personnel security clearances | Sufficiency and training of USG contracting officers / Labor statues, regulations and court cases

Technology, Innovation, and Modernization

PSC supports efforts to align federal government requirements with access to innovative contractor capabilities at the speed of relevance. Thus, PSC seeks to help advance acquisition processes that can better offer such access, as well as technology and innovation funding to support fielding of cutting-edge capabilities as necessary to accomplish the government’s critical missions. In addition, PSC is working to promote cybersecurity models that ensure safety and reliability of cyber infrastructure while also preventing, or eliminating, overly burdensome or unnecessarily duplicative contractor reporting requirements. 
Key topics include: Outcome-based contracting (e.g., for data, robotics) / Access to, and use of, innovative solutions / Accelerate innovation cycles and solution delivery / Artificial Intelligence / Cybersecurity / Customer Experience  

Supply Chain and Logistics
Key topics include: Operations in contested environments / Supply chain illumination and resilience | Sourcing requirements | Surge capacities and capabilities 

Policy Actions
PSC Responses to Regulatory and Other Requests for Comments

Date Comments Link Recipient
 5/20/24  PSC Comments on NIST SP 800-61 Rev. 3 (Initial Public Draft) re Incident Response and Cybersecurity Risk Management  Comments  NIST
 4/25/24  PSC Applauds the Enactment of National Security Supplemental Appropriations  Press Statement  Media
 4/18/2024  Alliant 3 GWAC Draft RFP  Comments  GSA
 4/16/2024 PSC Urges Senate to Pass Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act  Press Statement  Media
 4/15/2024 R&D Tax Credit Letter  Letter  House and Senate Leaders
 4/1/2024  Pay Equity and Transparency in Federal Contracting Proposed Rule [FAR Case 2023-021]  Comments  FAR Council
  3/11/2024  Improving Consistency Between Procurement and Nonprocurement Procedures on Suspension and Debarment  Comments  FAR Council
2/26/2024 DoD Proposed Rule: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program Comments  DoD
2/26/2024 DoD Proposed Rule: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program Comments  DoD
2/12/2024 National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM); Amendment Comments  DoD
2/9/2024 Proposed Rule Small Business Size Standards: Revised Size Standards Methodology Comments  SBA
2/2/2024 Standardizing Cybersecurity Requirements for Unclassified Federal Information Systems  (FAR Case 2021-019) Comments  FAR Council
2/2/2024 Cyber Threat and incident Reporting and Information Sharing (FAR Case 2021-017) Comments  FAR Council
2/2/2024 Interim Rule: Implementation of Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders Comments  FAR Council
1/31/2024 PSC Urges Congress to Pass Bipartisan Efforts on Treatment of R&D Expenses Press Statement Media/Hill
1/30/2024 Support for S.3626, Conforming Procedures for Federal Task and Delivery Order Contracts Act and S.3594, Source code Harmonization and Reuse in Information Technology Act Letter - link TBP Sen Gary Peters (HSGAC)
1/26/2024 NIST SP 800-171, Rev. 3 (Final Public Draft) Comments  NIST
1/16/2024 OMB Circular "Strategic Management of Acquisition Data and Information" Comments  OFPP
1/16/2024 Alliant 3 GWAC Second Draft RFP Comments  GSA

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Click here to view our 2023 Policy Lines of Effort