Media Contact: 
Melissa Phillips

PSC Welcomes National Defense Industrial Strategy, Calls for Focus
on Implementation

Arlington, Va. (January 12, 2024) PSC welcomes the release yesterday of the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS). We look forward to facilitating close and meaningful collaboration between our member companies and Department of Defense (DoD) officials to help realize the strategy’s stated vision: “to coordinate and build a modern defense industrial ecosystem.” 

Toward that end, the strategy provides details on DoD’s four key industrial priorities, which Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy Dr. Laura Taylor-Kale had previously highlighted during her remarks at PSC’s Defense Conference last fall:

resilient supply chains, 
workforce readiness, 
flexible acquisitions, and 
economic deterrence. 

“The NDIS is an important first step for DoD. As with any strategy, implementation will be critical to realizing the Department’s vision,” said PSC President and CEO David Berteau.  “Many of the details in this strategy have been stated before--but not in a single document tied to a structured implementation plan.”

In her comments during the report roll-out yesterday, Dr. Taylor-Kale noted that DoD is “finalizing a detailed classified implementation plan, with near term measurable actions and metrics to gauge progress.”

“PSC looks forward to working closely with DoD as it promulgates and implements this plan, because industry input is key to success,” added Berteau. “In particular, we think additional attention needs to be paid to the industrial base that provides sustainment, support, logistics, and services as well as production and manufacturing.  We look forward to helping DoD expand its focus on that critical area.”


Download a pdf of this press release here